Hero Calculator

Convert Radians to Revolutions

Please enter the angle in radians below to convert it into revolutions.

Enter Radians:
Result in Revolutions:
The result will be displayed here

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How to Convert Radians to Revolutions

To convert a measurement in radians to revolutions, simply multiply the angle by the conversion ratio.

The relationship between radians and revolutions is: one revolution is equal to 2π radians. Therefore, we can use the following formula to convert between these units of measurement:

revolutions = radians × 0.5 × π

For example, to convert 8 radians to revolutions using this method, you would write:

revolutions = 8 × 0.5 × π
revolutions = 1.2732395

Therefore, 8 radians is equivalent to 1.2732395 revolutions.

Radians to Revolutions Conversion Table

Radians (multiple of π)Radians (decimal)Revolutions
0 rad0 rad0 rev
π/12 rad0.26179939 rad0.04166666 rev
π/6 rad0.52359878 rad0.08333333 rev
π/4 rad0.78539816 rad0.125 rev
π/3 rad1.04719755 rad0.1666666 rev
π/2 rad1.57079633 rad0.25 rev
2π/3 rad2.0943951 rad0.3333333 rev
5π/6 rad2.61799388 rad0.4166666 rev
11π/12 rad2.87979327 rad0.4583333 rev
π rad3.14159265 rad0.5 rev
5π/4 rad3.92699082 rad0.625 rev
3π/2 rad4.71238898 rad0.75 rev
7π/4 rad5.49778714 rad0.875 rev
2π rad6.28318531 rad1 rev

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